
Service center allows the company to perform installation supervision of equipment and to provide guarantee and after-guarantee obligations to the customers successfully.

Installation supervision works. Within 10 days after notification on the necessity of circuit breaker installation our service specialist is ready to arrive to perform the works. Regularly our service specialists are involved in the production procedure. It provides high alacrity of installation-supervisors, their high qualification and it inspires their responsible approach to work.

When performing installation works the company specialists carry out a number of tests necessary to confirm the declared ratings of the supplied equipment.

Equipment and all tools necessary for installation are brought to the site by the service engineer.

After works are completed the "Acceptance Report for the installed circuit breaker" is drawn up, from this moment company "Eurocontract" undertakes a five-year guarantee for the equipment installed.

The company installation supervisors have erected about a thousand and a half circuit breakers. We have gained the experience of dealing with SF6 in the very severe winter conditions at temperature -40 degrees. Besides, our specialists have certificates granting the right to mount Siemens AG SF6 circuit breakers of other voltage classes, as well as disconnectors and current transformers.

Warranty obligations. In case of warranty event the specialists of the service center are ready to start off for the site within 24 hours from the moment of the customer's request to detect the cause of the fault and to remove it quickly. For this purpose the company has a stock of components and spare parts which is regularly refilled

After expiry of the warranty period company "Eurocontract" proposes to take the equipment for the after-guarantee service maintenance.