The assembling-testing center of company "Eurocontract" is located in Balashikha, Moscow region. All components, produced at different plants in Europe, pass incoming inspection. Then assembly, mechanical and high-voltage tests are carried out.
Assembly. All procedures are performed in accordance with operation manuals by experienced and highly qualified personnel, for control the torque wrenches are used, as a whole it allows to provide the high quality of the assembly and to eliminate problems connected with units fitting during the mounting
Mechanical tests. Equipment of the German company KoCoS is used for testing. The testing system allows to diagnose different electromechanical equipment but initially it was developed for testing of high-voltage circuit breakers.
Flexible software, wide possibilities of power part and command-and-measuring unit make possible the testing of circuit breakers under different given conditions. The circuit breakers are tested in semi-automatic mode, testing data are saved in the database and can be used for control and check of parameters at any time. Oscillogramms, got in the result of testing, are attached to the circuit breaker technical passport and also can be used by the Customers for check of reliability of circuit breaker operation ratings.
The methods of mechanical tests performance conform to GOST R 52565-2006, to technical specifications and requirements of Siemens AG operation manuals.
High-voltage tests. According to the requirements of GOST R 52565-2006, GOST 1516.1 and GOST 1516.3 high-voltage circuit breakers pass the insulation strength tests, for that the high-voltage testing stand with SF6 insulation UIV-450 is used. The stand includes the unit for partial discharges measuring.
The checked and tested circuit breaker is partially disassembled and put into transport condition; in cases of delivery for far-away customers some elements of transport constructions are strengthened.
All equipment, supplied by company "Eurocontract" to the market, satisfies the requirements of international and national standards.
The company provides high quality of its products, applying the system of personal control over the operations performed at the production; under this system each employee bears the personal responsibility for his work. During the work performance there is an obligatory requirement to fill in the personal control-and-technological documentation.
The specialists of our assembling-testing center in Balashikha have passed training at Siemens AG plant in Germany and have certificates which give right to assemble, test and mount SF6 circuit breakers and other equipment at the Russian territory.
Together with the experience gained by our specialists and application of modern technical means of control, tools and equipment company "Eurocontract" provides the high level of works quality.